Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday was a busy first day

Okay, Sunday was busy. Clinic did not start until noon, but as we walked by at 7 this morning, several people were there waiting. One woman was taken in because she was pretty sick. I did not follow her, so am not aware of her problems. We splinted a man's arm and gave him bus fare to the next hospital. He had a wrist fracture that was slightly deformed, so we splinted it with what we had and sent him on his way.
Shortly after, we got two lacerations. A pedestrian stepped out in front of a motorcyclist, and both came in with head wounds. Dr. Dave Hall showed Andy and me how he wanted suturing done, so I guess we'll be doing some of those from now on.
There were several--maybe a dozen?--people who came in for dressing changes. Since it is so dirty down here and people do not have the ability to stay as clean as we think we do, we have them come back every day or two to get their bandages changed. We cleaned head wounds, arm wounds, leg wounds and two cases of mastitis that went far enough that the young (16-18 year old) women now have 1 1/2-2 inch holes that need to heal. The first one was really complaining about a lot of pain, and even though we had been given recommendations to rebandage and send them back home, I called Dr. Rocky Seale in for a consult, and we discovered a large pocket of pus under the original damaged area. I was glad I waited.
Andy did a phenominal job today. He kept flitting from ER to in-patient areas, but his IV success rate was pretty low.
Our biggest problems were mostly logistical. Where DO we keep the betadine? I think we have most everything located now, so I hope we are ready for tomorrow.
We have a three year old who is worrisome. She is being transferred out tomorrow because of dehydration/respiratory problems. She will leave at 0600, but she is having a lot of breathing issues. Please say some prayers for her.
Another three year old we tried to do conscious sedation, but we just did not give her enough versed. She had some orthopedic problems with a bunch of packing. We removed the packing without sedation, and she did fine.
I'm signing off for the night. Hopefully back tomorrow.

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