Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3

Hey, everyone! We're sure having fun in this tropical paradise. Temps are 95-100 with the humidity about the same. I was finally able to take off my sweatshirt for part of the day. Ha!
Dr. Rocky Seale (ob/gyn birthed our first baby today. He and Sarah Parker-midwife- did an outstanding job helping mom deliver her first baby. I was there observing, and was able to run for pediatrician Dr. Amelia Burgess when the baby quite breathing. For a while it was really touch and go with all those plus Dr. Dave Hall and Dr. Jim Goetz there as well as a Haitian doctor. Baby finally started breathing again, but was really laboring at it. We transferred her in Dr. Burgess's arms in the front seat of a car to another hospital. That was close.
We had several wound dressings to change, a couple of broken arms to put temporary casts on until we can get x-rays--the Japanese radiology clinic is only open m-f from 8-11, or something like that.
I sewed up my first laceration today, about 2 inches long on a foot. That skin is really tough!
Well, I'm stopping for the night. Hope everyone is well and likes reading the blog.


  1. I'm glad you're writing! It's good to hear what's going on. It sounds like you're learning a lot!

  2. I am right with KC, I am reading every day and referring everyone I know to it. Thank you dad. It sounds like you are doing a lot.

    Love you,


  3. This is the coolest ever...I get excited every morning to see how your day went. Cara

  4. I'm with all of them. It makes me actually want to go to computer class. Love you Grandpa. Be safe.


  5. I would like to say this is pretty cool one of my teachers read the posts from my Lab top in class. She loved it and as well and me wishes you the best of Luck! Thanks and b-safe
