Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9th

I do not remember what we had for breakfast—sorry, Norm. We left the house earlier than usual and the boys were all out ready to pour concrete. They use a diesel powered cement mixer, shoveling the sand, cement and stones in by hand, while adding enough water to make a good mix. The cement is then dumped into a wheelbarrow and taken the few feet to where it is needed. We poured the 6 x 12 foot pad, then went across the street to the latrine and poured it. Norm and Milo did the finish troweling. We were done pouring by 11:00. Norm continued working as the two areas set up and did a really nice job.

Jay worked a good portion of the day cutting and drilling steel brackets for the house beam. He found a piece of angle iron to cut into pieces, he and Bob cleaned the drill press, and they went to work.

I think Ev made lunch for us-chicken salad sandwiches.

Wednesday is market day in Dessalines. We took the van to the market and walked around, seeing anything and everything you can imagine. This market is meant primarily for local people to get what they need in their daily lives. It is heavy on food items, with some clothes, shoes, and personal care items thrown in. The meat in the market was displayed in a covered area, but open to the heat of the day. The animals had been slaughtered in the early morning, so you can imagine the smells associated with this market.

Hunter bought a piece of sugarcane, and Dave bought a blouse for his wife.

We returned to the compound and spent the afternoon getting the big pad ready to pour. We also started work on the house beam. We cut the 4 x 4’s and supported the roof with various 2 x material.

We ate supper with Don and Doris and watched a movie with them.

Norm baked bread this evening.


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