Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday, February 11th

It was a bit later when we left the house this morning. Everyone was a bit tired from the hard work of yesterday. Jay worked at getting the posts ready to support the house beam. He drilled a hole in the bottom and inserted a piece of ½ “ re-rod, then welded it in place. This will help keep the post from rotating in the hole and provide additional support for it when we let the beam down onto it. We set and poured concrete around the four posts at the house. Meanwhile, we had removed the concrete forms and cleaned the boards up. We used them to close the east gable end of the house. We got 2/3rds done with that and removed the old window bucks, cutting off the bolts that had held them in place. We installed three of the aluminum frame windows.

We ate with Don and Doris this evening. Don tried to persuade us to take Saturday off, but I was pretty insistent that we could get quite a bit of work done, plus it would be our last full day to work. We shall see what the morrow brings.

Before I went to bed, I made a list of the things remaining. Wow. I will be amazed if we pull off half of it.


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