Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 8th

French toast for breakfast. We have plenty of eggs, and Shirley brought us 4 loaves of bread either yesterday or Saturday—I forget. Anyway, it was very good.

We continued work on the pad and got the 6 x 12 foot area ready to pour tomorrow. We also got the latrine floor ready to pour. We will do both of those tomorrow morning. We continued moving rock and stones to get the main pad ready for Thursday morning.

This morning I was surprised by the appearance of armed men in the EGO compound. I looked around and saw they were UN soldiers, who were there to make sure a food distribution for the poor in the community was conducted peacefully. Three big trucks of supplies were brought in and stacked on the ground. Items in a pile were as follows: 6-110# bags of bulgur, a wheat product; 6-55# bags of corn/soy blend flour; 2 bags of lentils; 10-gallon cans of cooking oil. Groups of 10 people who had pre-qualified for the food were allowed to systematically enter the area, have their identity verified, and take a stack of the supplies. Once outside the compound, they could divide the supplies as they chose. They could keep and use the supplies, or sell their portion off to buy other goods they would rather have. All of the supplies were from the USA. One person observed that we should give the Haitians what they want, rice and beans. That would compete directly with the Haitian farmers, however. And besides, we have more wheat and corn/soy than rice and beans. I’m just sayin.

The UN troops were from Pakistan, Argentina, Canada and the Ivory Coast. All were very friendly, and wanted to know about us and have their pictures taken with us. It was really good to see ‘boots on the ground’ relief in action.

We ate supper with Don and Doris, and went to bed about 10:30.


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