While we were at the orphanage, Don and Doris invited us to watch a couple of videos with them. The first was about a man who had experienced the coming of Christ, and had been whisked up into a huge stadium-type structure, where all the Christians from all the centuries of Christianity were having their audience with God. It was really interesting, but had a place to stop it and continue later. We stopped it, but never got back to the second part. Now I REALLY have to go back there!
The second movie was "Flywheel", which was produced by Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. On a shoestring budget, this church made a feature length film about a used car salesman who cheats his clients, including his pastor. After getting what he assumes is a good deal, the pastor says a prayer with the salesman and asks God to 'treat him the way I have been treated today'. The salesman's life starts to fall apart until he gets right with God. I really enjoyed this film and would recommend it to anyone. Some will think that it is too predictable, but so be it. They have also done a couple other films, including 'Fireproof' and 'Facing the Giants'.